Check out this great video by Todd Hunter!
The Goal Of Christianity
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Here is a four part interview I did with Gary Zandstra from "Making Church Happen" & Parkway Electric. Enjoy!
Musical styles and the journey
Multi-Generational Worship
The Church and the surrounding community
The Future of Worship
Musical styles and the journey
Multi-Generational Worship
The Church and the surrounding community
The Future of Worship
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Danger Zone
Here is a video we created using only our iPod and iPhone as instruments. Even the vocals were sung through an app. Enjoy!
Is the Multi-Generational Church Possible in America, Again? Part 1
Here is a thought that has been going through my mind lately about the "American Church": Is the multi-generational church possible in America again? Not only is it possible, but also can it thrive and grow in a church culture that is primarily narcissistic. Let me explain that thought a little bit.
Lets start in the 1950’s. American churches in the 50’s were primarily neighborhood and culturally based. The churches pews on Sunday morning were filled with people from that neighborhood, and basically everyone knew each other. If your family was Baptist, you went to the Baptist Church. If you were Polish Catholic you went to Mass at the neighborhood Catholic Church. Whatever the denomination you were a part of, the older and younger generations worshiped together in one service, and a sense of Multi-Generational community was evident. Now lets move forward a decade or so. In the late 60’s and early 70’s a group of people disenchanted with the “Hippie Movement” started a group that was later to be known as the “Jesus People”. Like the “Hippie Movement”, the Jesus People valued ideals like simplicity, community, and love. The Jesus People saw these ideals reflected in the early Christian Church, and sought to restore them to their Christian expression. The Jesus People grew rapidly thanks to Christian and Secular Media, and soon they were influencing American Christian culture. Their biggest influence in Christian culture was the music genre they were unknowingly pioneering. Instead of using an organ and piano, and singing hymns from a hymnal. They were playing their guitars, keyboards, and drums, and writing new hymns and spiritual songs that expressed their faith. I believe that this is the starting point of the movement away from the Multi-Generational church. Here’s why. When those who identified themselves with the Jesus People wanted to play some of their new hymns and spiritual songs in church with guitar accompaniment they were met with resistance. This resistance eventually forced the identifiers to leave their home church and start a new church. With a new (insert denomination here)church in the neighborhood, people now had a choice of where to attend, and church starts to become more about my personal preferences and less about the community. Lets jump forward to the 80’ Part 2. Coming soon!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Over Commiting to God in Worship
We have all sung worship songs that claim outrageous acts of what we will do for God. (Does anyone remember "Undignified" or "Dance in the River"???) Here is a great article from "Stuff Christians Like" that calls us out on the outrageous claims, and asks for more honesty in worship.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
One Sonic Society - One
In April of this year I had the opportunity to be led in worship by Jason Ingram at the Song Discovery Songwriters Conference in Nashville Tennessee. I loved his worship authenticity as he led and the songs he taught us were great! When I got home from the conference I looked up the songs he taught so that I could teach them to my church. As I was looking them up I discovered that they were part of the recording project One Sonic Society. One Sonic Society is made up of Jason Ingram, Stu G(of Delirious), Paul Mabury, and Jonathan Thatcher(also of Delirious). They have been writing songs together specifically for the churches to use in worship. Their songs are vulnerable and full of the hope of God. My favorites are "The Greatness of Our God", "Our God Will Come", and "Forever Reign". "Forever Reign" starts with the lyrics "You are good, You are good, when there's nothing good in me, You are love, You are love, on display for all to see,..." and then moves to a chorus of "oh, i'm running to your arms, i'm running to arms, the riches of your love, will always be enough, nothing compares to Your embrace, Light of the world forever reign." These songs are a great addition to the church worship hymnody, and I would encourage you to use/suggest them in your home church. One Sonic Society's first EP "One" was released on June 13th, 2010 and is available for download here or on iTunes. Check it out!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A quote by St. Julian of Norwich
I love this quote on prayer!
"Prayer is asking ("beseeching"), with submission and acquiescence; or beholding, with the self forgotten, yet offered-up; it is a thanking and a praising in the heart that sometimes breaks forth into voice; or a silent joy in the sight of God as all-sufficient. And in all these ways "Prayer oneth the soul to God."
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Dwelling in the Shadow
A couple of weeks ago I headed down to Nashville Tennessee to attend a one-day songwriting conference put on by Song Discovery. In the first session of the conference Steve Berger spoke about a guy in the bible who was unfamiliar to me. He spoke from Exodus 31: 1-11 about a guy named Bezalel who was commissioned and gifted by God to build the artistic elements of the temple. He designed and fashioned everything from the priestly robes and offering utensils, to the famous Ark of the Covenant. What struck me most about Bezalel was not his artistic abilities, or his amazing works of art. It was his name that inspired me the most, and his name means “Lives in the shadow of God”. What an amazing aspiration for an artist who wants to honor and glorify God with their art.
I am a visual person so I imagine it like this: You are on a dark stage in a theater. The seats are full of people and there is one spotlight shining down on stage a few feet in front of you. Imagine now that the spotlight shining down is Gods glory in its entire splendor, and you are still invisible in the dark. You hold in your hands art that you have created, it is an expression of who you are, where you have been, and it is extremely revealing. It is also a story of Gods great love, grace, and beauty poured out into your life at your darkest moment. You feel very vulnerable, you think of running off stage and not sharing your art, but you can’t move. You start to remember God’s unchanging faithfulness and love in your life and it gives you courage to step forward. You lift up your art with two hands like a shield before you and it hits the light. Your art is illuminated by God’s glory and you find yourself dwelling in the shadow.
As an artist and as a songwriter, this is where I want to live. To be filled with God’s spirit and inspired to create works of art for His honor and glory, and when the light hits them to have the humility to dwell in the shadow.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Beautiful Things
On Sunday we used the song "Beautiful Things" by Gungor as the beginning and ending of our prayer time. As we began our prayer time we sang about our pain and brokenness, wondering if things could change, and if new life could spring up. We also sang of God's creating spirit, acknowledging how he makes beautiful things out of the dust and out of us. Coming out of prayer to the lyrics "You make me new, you are making me new" gave us a hope and peace that God is with us(Emmanuel), and has a plan for our lives. He is constantly molding and shaping us to be who he wants us to be, and showing us what he wants us to do. He wants to make beautiful things through us, even in our brokenness, for his glory.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Civil Wars!

The Civil Wars free live EP has been in constant rotation in my car CD player for the last couple of weeks. The Civil Wars are made up of songwriters John Paul White and Joy Williams. They have great chemistry as songwriters and there voices compliment each other perfectly. Songs like "Poison and Wine" and "Tip of My Tongue" have been stuck in my head, and they show off their refined songwriting skills. I love the simplicity of the recording and that they included the witty stage banter pre and post song. It makes you feel like you are at the show. I am looking forward to getting their studio album and hearing what they come up with next. Check them out!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Maundy Thursday and Easter Music Highlights
Here are some musical highlights from Maundy Thursday & Easter. Enjoy!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Putting it out there.
Off and on over the last two years I have posted entry's in a BLOG that I really haven't let anyone know about. Partly because I feel that nobody would really want to read what I write, and partly because I am "chicken" to let people know what I really think! This mentality has changed though in the last month, mostly due to a great talk I heard at the Green Room Arts Conference. Dewitt Jones was the speaker, he is an accomplished photographer with National Geographic credits, and a great celebrator of whats right with the world. There were two things that really stuck out to me in his talk. The first thing was that in order to create good art you need to "have juice in camera" so to speak. He told a long story that explains that idea, but the shortened version is; for you to be inspired, you need to have things that are inspiring you. This challenged me to really think about what "gives me life", "fills me up", or "gives me joy", and then address the harder question of; "When was the last time I did any of those things?". When was the last time I went hiking and experienced the wonder of nature? When was the last time I read a book to get lost in the story? When was the last time I was so inspired, that I felt like I need to write a song and get my feelings out before I explode. To be honest, answering those questions was very sobering to me of how little juice I had in my camera. The second thing that stuck out was really a challenge. As Dewitt spoke, I felt as if he said this directly to me, he said, "Put it(your art) out there whether it is received or not. To be honest again, I am not very good at "putting it out there". I love to create, but I have a hard time sharing. Its personal, I don't want to open myself up to criticism or praise, but the older I get(and the more wise people that speak into my life, thanks) I realize that I am being selfish with what God has given me.
So here I am sitting in a coffee shop in East Grand Rapids putting it out there. I am nervous as I type this because I know in a moment I will email this link out to friends, but at the same time I excited about taking this first step of letting go.
I want this BLOG to accomplished three things. First, I want it to be an outlet for me to share what going on in my head and heart. Second, I want this to be a place where conversation happens. Please comment on the posts and continue the conversation, or challenge my thoughts. Third, I want this to be a place where you can add "juice to your camera" and where we can "celebrate whats right with the world". So time to time I will post things that I have found that inspire me.
Well, here we go! Thanks for reading!
So here I am sitting in a coffee shop in East Grand Rapids putting it out there. I am nervous as I type this because I know in a moment I will email this link out to friends, but at the same time I excited about taking this first step of letting go.
I want this BLOG to accomplished three things. First, I want it to be an outlet for me to share what going on in my head and heart. Second, I want this to be a place where conversation happens. Please comment on the posts and continue the conversation, or challenge my thoughts. Third, I want this to be a place where you can add "juice to your camera" and where we can "celebrate whats right with the world". So time to time I will post things that I have found that inspire me.
Well, here we go! Thanks for reading!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Behind the Music
I absolutely love listening to musicians/artists talk about their music. I love to hear why they wrote a song, what they were feeling at that time, who/what inspired them, and how it all came together. I find real inspiration in other peoples artistic expressions and it moves me to create as well. Enjoy this video of She & Him’s Zooey Deschanel and The Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson interviewing each other about their music.
Artist on Artist: Brian Wilson & Zooey Deschanel
Artist on Artist | MySpace Video
Artist on Artist: Brian Wilson & Zooey Deschanel
Artist on Artist | MySpace Video
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
St. Patricks Day Reflection
St. Patrick was a Christian missionary to Ireland from 389-460 AD. He wrote this prayer in preparation to try and convert the High King Loegaire of Ireland. May these words prepare you for this day and beyond.
- I arise today
- Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
- Through the belief in the threeness,
- Through confession of the oneness
- Of the Creator of Creation.
- I arise today
- Through the strength of Christ's birth with his baptism,
- Through the strength of his crucifixion with his burial,
- Through the strength of his resurrection with his ascension,
- Through the strength of his descent for the judgment of Doom.
- I arise today
- Through the strength of the love of Cherubim,
- In obedience of angels,
- In the service of archangels,
- In hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
- In prayers of patriarchs,
- In predictions of prophets,
- In preaching of apostles,
- In faith of confessors,
- In innocence of holy virgins,
- In deeds of righteous men.
- I arise today
- Through the strength of heaven:
- Light of sun,
- Radiance of moon,
- Splendor of fire,
- Speed of lightning,
- Swiftness of wind,
- Depth of sea,
- Stability of earth,
- Firmness of rock.
- I arise today
- Through God's strength to pilot me:
- God's might to uphold me,
- God's wisdom to guide me,
- God's eye to look before me,
- God's ear to hear me,
- God's word to speak for me,
- God's hand to guard me,
- God's way to lie before me,
- God's shield to protect me,
- God's host to save me
- From snares of devils,
- From temptations of vices,
- From everyone who shall wish me ill,
- Afar and anear,
- Alone and in multitude.
- I summon today all these powers between me and those evils,
- Against every cruel merciless power that may oppose my body and soul,
- Against incantations of false prophets,
- Against black laws of pagandom
- Against false laws of heretics,
- Against craft of idolatry,
- Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
- Against every knowledge that corrupts man's body and soul.
- Christ to shield me today
- Against poison, against burning,
- Against drowning, against wounding,
- So that there may come to me abundance of reward.
- Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
- Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
- Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
- Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,
- Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
- Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
- Christ in every eye that sees me,
- Christ in every ear that hears me.
- I arise today
- Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
- Through belief in the threeness,
- Through confession of the oneness,
- Of the Creator of Creation.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Beautiful Things

Every couple months I receive a church resource box from Neue. In the box are books, CD's, and DVD's handpicked by the staff at Neue to stir the vision of local church leaders. This has been a great tool for me over the last few years and has introduced me to authors and artists that I may not have encountered otherwise. One such artist that has been in my playlist constantly over the last couple weeks is Gungor(formally known as The Michael Gungor Band). I received their album "Beautiful Things" in the latest Neue box, and it has been a breath of fresh air. The melodies are sweet and lyrics are thoughtful and in some places raw and vulnerable. The album walks a fine line between being over and under produced giving it a strange balance. I love that the music is very eclectic, going from a modern rock sound, to funky grooves, and then to a very acoustic feel(with banjo!) within a few tracks. I think this is a great album and encourage you to check it out!
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