Friday, March 26, 2010

Putting it out there.

Off and on over the last two years I have posted entry's in a BLOG that I really haven't let anyone know about.  Partly because I feel that nobody would really want to read what I write, and partly because I am "chicken" to let people know what I really think!  This mentality has changed though in the last month, mostly due to a great talk I heard at the Green Room Arts Conference.  Dewitt Jones was the speaker, he is an accomplished photographer with National Geographic credits, and a great celebrator of whats right with the world.   There were two things that really stuck out to me in his talk.  The first thing was that in order to create good art you need to "have juice in camera" so to speak.  He told a long story that explains that idea, but the shortened version is; for you to be inspired, you need to have things that are inspiring you.  This challenged me to really think about what "gives me life", "fills me up", or "gives me joy", and then address the harder question of; "When was the last time I did any of those things?".  When was the last time I went hiking and experienced the wonder of nature?  When was the last time I read a book to get lost in the story?  When was the last time I was so inspired, that I felt like I need to write a song and get my feelings out before I explode.  To be honest,  answering those questions was very sobering to me of how little juice I had in my camera.  The second thing that stuck out was really a challenge.  As Dewitt spoke, I felt as if he said this directly to me, he said, "Put it(your art) out there whether it is received or not.  To be honest again, I am not very good at "putting it out there".  I love to create, but I have a hard time sharing.  Its personal, I don't want to open myself up to criticism or praise, but the older I get(and the more wise people that speak into my life, thanks) I realize that I am being selfish with what God has given me.
So here I am sitting in a coffee shop in East Grand Rapids putting it out there.  I am nervous as I type this because I know in a moment I will email this link out to friends, but at the same time I excited about taking this first step of letting go.
I want this BLOG to accomplished three things.  First, I want it to be an outlet for me to share what going on in my head and heart.  Second, I want this to be a place where conversation happens.  Please comment on the posts and continue the conversation, or challenge my thoughts.   Third, I want this to be a place where you can add "juice to your camera" and where we can "celebrate whats right with the world".   So time to time I will post things that I have found that inspire me.
Well, here we go!  Thanks for reading!


  1. Matt, it is cool that you are doing this. I can relate to being low on juice. It seems somtimes especially lately the busyness of life can suck the life out of me. Sometimes it is things I don't have any control over but other times it's things I could control, but I let them control me. Maybe we should have a weekend retreat where we can just get away from technology and other distractions and just be creative as a group and individuals. Does anyone have a cabin in the woods some place. :)

    I look forward to reading more post and reading the oder ones you have out there (I am trying not to read too much on line at work, I have been reading too much lately especially related to Lost). Keep it up, I'll bug you if you don't. :)


  2. Hey Matt, thanks for inviting us to read your thoughts. Way to go for putting your work 'out there' and being vulnerable. It's a good thing you know, although tough. Music is definitely your gift and how wonderful that you are ready to share more of yourself with others. I hear you on the needing inspiration bit. I was exploding creativity in college, surrounded by other artists. But that was 12 through 8 years ago (gulp!) and since then, I have definitely lost the drive and inspiration. It takes work.
    Anyway, best wishes to you in all your endeavors. Anxious to hear your new music. someday. :)
