Yesterday my wife and I decided to tally up all of our loose change, and return the pile of bottles and cans that have been building in our garage over the winter for their 10 cent deposit. We loaded up the car with the returnables and joined the mass of people who had the same idea we had on a rainy day in Michigan, and waged war against the return machines(If you have ever returned bottles you know what I mean). When we got back from returning the bottles and cans, we gathered up our loose change and put them in to rolls. At the end of our journey we had gathered up $98 dollars in deposits and loose change. Ninety-Eight Dollars!!
This got me thinking. I was reminded about how rich I am in comparison to the world; that I could gather up $98 dollars in a matter of two hours from piles in my garage and boxes on my dresser. I was also reminded what $98 dollars can do in this world.
$98 dollars can feed and educate a child in Africa or Haiti for 3 months.
$98 dollars can provide 98 Africans clean water for the next year.
$98 can buy five people mosquito bed nets, and help protect them from malaria.
This list could go on, but you get the point. I am thankful to live in a country of abundance, but also reminded of my responsibility to share from that abundance. I am blessed to be a blessing, not blessed to live a life of comfort, and abundance.