I read "The Singing Thing" by John Bell recently and really gleaned a lot of good stuff from it. I wanted to share with you really quickly some of those things.
Reasons why we sing:
1. Because we can.
2. To create identity.
3. To express emotion.
4. To express words.
5. To revisit the past.
6. To tell stories.
7. To shape the future.
8. To enable work.(Justice!!)
9. To exercise our creativity.
10. To give of ourselves.
Reasons why we don't sing:
1. Someone told us we were bad at it./We were never taught.
2. Because we live in a performance culture.
3. The space we sing in doesn't encourage singing.
4. Bad leadership
5. Because its "not our style".
This book has made me "rethink" how we go about singing in a modern worship culture.